Taigime 2

smarter input method for Taiwanese on Android

View the Project on GitHub a-tsioh/TaigIME2


...to the Android TagiIME APP, an Input method to write in Taiwanese language on Android devices.

This website is dedicated to the APP development. Please use the associated github repo to report bugs or make feature requests. Pull requests are also warmly welcomed.

If you simply want to try the APP, just install it from the Google Play store

If you are looking for more informal discussion about the life of this project, consider joining our group on Facebook

More to come soon...

Please stay tuned, I'm busy attenting Rocling 2016 Conference. There should also be a meetup in Kaohsiung very soon and in Tainan as well.

Contributions Wanted !

This project was initially developed by Pierre Magistry (@a-tsioh) but it could greatly benefit from some help, including (but not limited to):

It can be code as pull requests or simple comments and bug reports.

So no need to have a PhD in computer science or natural language processing, anyone can help !